Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Re-Thinking Furniture

I am not sure why, but I love furniture design. Maybe it’s because furniture is a focal-point accessory that you physically engage with. Maybe it is because I am constantly searching for something more inspiring then an over-stuffed Lazy-Boy I can relax in after a long day without the embarrassment of having a monstrosity in the Family Room. Whatever the case, take a look at some of the below efforts to ‘re-think’ the art of sitting. Click on the images to enlarge.

The Cube Pavilion
Made from various sizes of PVC pipe, this fulfills my wildest pipe dream…







And for those dying to sit down and take a load off, how about the Coffin Couch? These are, believe it or not, recycled? coffins turned into high-end seating.







How about a chair made from old computer parts? From BRC Designs, this electrifying design really flips my switch.







And for those who need a little help with their numbers, letters…and primary colors, we present the ABC123 chair! (another from BRC Designs- I need to contact these guys and see if they can make me a lounge chair from left over pizza boxes and a few empty beer bottles)


Manhattan Shoebox Apartment

Could you live (and be happy) in a 78 square foot apartment? This young architect is and is an inspiration with his attitude. Makes me thankful for all I have and reminds me to enjoy the journey.
Source: Fair Companies


AIA ‘Using Video’ Presentation

I was honored to be asked to make a presentation at the AIA Minnesota Convention this past week. The gist was to discuss using video to help convey not only the visual but experiential aspects of architecture. This video was one of several I showed and was used to explain some DIY info. Unfortunately, it is not meant as a stand-alone but was paired with a Power Point presentation on how it was put together… (and there are a few inside jokes included for the attended audience). Afterwards, participants asked that I post it and include some links of DIY Video Resources -so here you go! Thanks everyone for your interest!

Learning DSLR Video, CheesyCam, DSLR Video Shooter, Film Riot, The Frugal Filmaker, Vimeo Video School


Project Update -Bald Eagle Lake

Project Update -Bald Eagle Lake

We are having fun with this project! An overall plan and design direction is set but the main discussion over the past month related to the roof form. The flat roof was out of the running early. The Owner’s had always desired an offset barrel roof but the shed roof was intriguing as well. Each had their pros and cons as it related to the interior and exterior function, aesthetic and costs. After much discussion and many sketches, the Owners decided to stay with their original desire for the offset barrel.

We are now working on the folding in the details, including the finishes and textures. Be sure to check previous posts to see how this project began! Click on the images below to enlarge.

Contractor: Cates Fine Homes


Modest Modern

Finally had some time to film a residential project we completed in Maplewood, Minnesota. The weather was not the best but I hope the video gives you a feel for this fun home. Thanks Jason and Stacy for letting us intrude and for trusting us with designing your fabulous project!


Project Update -MWMO

Project Update -MWMO

We are under construction! The new offices for the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is located on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The invasive plant species will be removed opening a visual and physical connection to the river. The entire site will be sculpted to demonstrate a variety of stormwater management techniques.

As with any former industrial site, there are challenges with knowing what actually is under the surface. Contaminates, old refrigerators, construction debris…? Soil borings will tell you what is directly below that spot but there cold be a buried oil tank 2 feet away! For the most part, we were OK -except for the geothermal wells. We ended up having twice as many as planned (60) due to rock. Luckily, they only needed to be half as deep to accomplish the same task.

The Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are going up as you can see by the photos. Once the steel work is done, the building shell will be completed in three days! We still have a long way to go but it is always exciting to see progress! Click on images to enlarge.
Contractor: Meisinger Construction


Podcast #31 – LEED Projects

Podcast #31 – LEED Projects

Today we speak with EcoDEEP‘s Kevin Flynn AIA LEED AP about LEED. This is an internationally recognized green building certification program. A few questions discussed include:
-What is the basic philosophy behind LEED?
-Are there different classifications depending on the building type?
-What are the categories within LEED and how does the point system work?
-What do people need to be aware of when looking into doing a LEED project?
-Basic steps to become certified -costs/paybacks?
-What do you see for the future in terms of LEED -building codes, etc.?

Feel free to contact Kevin with further questions.
phone: 651-788-8641

Other links worth checking out: United States Green Building Council
and USGBC Minnesota Chapter

Please subscribe to these podcasts also via iTunes. Search for the title ‘Design & Other Fun Stuff’.


Project Update- Riverview BC: Punchlist

Time to wrap up another project. This is always a great time -seeing the final product of a lot of efforts come together. It also feels like you are sending a child off on their own. The day to day contact, the teaching/learning, and the relationships with everyone involved now changes. You have to trust that success will continue and that you have done all you could to give the client and building a bright, happy future.

This ‘final’ stage of the project involves walking through the facility with the Owner, members of the Design Team and the Contractor to develop what is called a ‘Punchlist’. These are items that still need to be completed or items to repair. Usually (hopefully) the extent of work is paint touch-ups and installing a few missing ceiling tile. Closing out his project was a bit more complicated because the Owner completed some of the work. We needed to make sure and clarify responsibility. In the end the list was small and the church will be officially ‘moving in’ by the end of the month. Thanks to everyone involved and especially the Riverview Baptist Church for allowing us to help realize your dream!


Podcast #30 – What is the AIA?

Podcast #30 – What is the AIA?

Today we speak with a AIA Minnesota’s Communication Director Jennifer Gilhoi about ‘What is the American Institute of Architects?’. A few questions discussed include:
-What is the American Institute of Architects?
-How does the National/State/Chapter arrangement work?
-Why (and who) should think about becoming a member?
-What are the benefits and opportunities?
-What sort of Public Outreach or Community Interaction does the AIA get involved with and encourage?
-Is there information or resources the organization provides to the general public for those interested in working with an Architect or for just learning about architecture?

AIA Minnesota web:
Architecture Minnesota Magazine web:
AIA National web:

Please subscribe to these podcasts also via iTunes. Search for the title ‘Design & Other Fun Stuff’.


Project Update – King Leadership Center

Project Update – King Leadership Center

Several years ago, our office was fortunate enough to lead and create a Visioning Document for the entire 400 acre YMCA Camp St. Croix. This is different from a Master Plan such that it included not only recommendations of materials, forms, etc. but also philosophical goals. One of those goals was to be mindful of our environment and achieve LEED Certification with any new building project. This project will be the first on the campus to ‘go for the gold’!

After many discussions, design studies and cost estimates, we are at the point of moving forward with the construction drawings. The final layout, form, materials, etc. were derived from the desired program, associated budget, its site and adjacencies to other buildings along with guidelines indicated in the Visioning Document.

The next step is to coordinate the details and systems with all of the team members to ensure the building functions and hits our LEED target. Stay tuned for more posts on that process. Click on the images to enlarge.

Architect: Us!, Green Bldg Facilitator: EcoDEEP, Structural Eng: Mattson Macdonald Young, Mech/Elec Eng: Gausman & Moore, Civil Eng: Foth Infrastructure & Environment


Insulation Basics

Most people know that they need insulation in their projects but… What types of insulation are available, where should they go, and how much do I need? I preach that the ‘greenest’ thing you can do on any project is to make sure the envelope is as well insulated and airtight as possible. Insulation being a critical component. It is one of those unseen and magic elements that people don’t understand how it works, but know when it doesn’t.

I met with Scott Glowe from St. Croix Insulation, Inc and he was nice enough to answer a few questions -the basics -on several types of insulation.  You can reach Scott via email at or call (715) 386-1200.


Project Update – King Leadership Center

Project Update – King Leadership Center

We are finishing up the Schematic Design for the King Leadership Center at Camp St Croix. This means that a basic concept is approved and can move into what is called Design Development…where the design is developed!

The program took a little shift, which often happens as discussions occur. The Camp wanted to look at accommodating 24 single beds in lieu of 18 bunk beds. This makes sense because the bulk of the visitors will be adults. The challenge is the 3-to-a-room requirement and then wanting them to join as suites. That means a room access door, suite door and window are needed in each room…which also means more floor and corridor space, etc. The typical puzzle solving.

The overall concept is to use the Classical Elements as a tool to organize as well as give opportunities for learning. The building is divided into Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. So for example, most of the ‘wet’ services are in the Water Bldg with maybe a solar hot water system on the roof. With this facility attempting to be LEED Certified, we can hopefully highlight sustainable concepts that reinforce this design concept.

We also realize that many times the dreams exceed the budget. Some tough decisions are on the horizon to maintain that dream while being diligent with the dollars… Click on images below to enlarge.

Architect: Us!, Green Bldg Facilitator: EcoDEEP, Structural Eng: Mattson Macdonald Young, Mech/Elec Eng: Gausman & Moore, Civil Eng: Foth Infrastructure & Environment