Welcome to our Weblog experiment that introduces Michael Huber Architects to the Social Media world.  We are an innovative architectural firm located in the Minneapolis, St. Paul area. Join us as we learn how to post, tweet and video-blog while discussing our thoughts on design and related topics.  We invite everyone to participate in the process by viewing, reading and commenting.


Stillwater Modern – Part 1

A fun new project! In this video we assess the site and create some initial studies for review.


Stillwater ModFarmHouse – Part 4

Big jump from the drawing board to construction. Take a look to see how it is shaping up!


Hudson Modern 5

Progress! I have paused several of our other projects as we are nomads until our home is done. Thus I only have updates on this project! It is getting there!


Huber Modern 3

Progress is being made! We just need the rain to stop…


Huber Modern 2

A lot has been happening! Isn’t it typical that you never document your own project like a client’s? Kind of a big jump from the concept to where we are at today. I hope to do another video soon!


Whispering Pines – Part 7

Final Walk-Through! of the interior… The exterior is still a work in progress but the Owners will be moving in soon so I took a quick look around.


Huber Modern 1

Here we go! My wife and I are downsizing and moving into the downtown. Quite a change! See our project unfold over the next several months.


Stillwater ModFarmHouse – Part 3

Check out the final Design! And a little personal surprise…


Stillwater ModFarmHouse – Part 2

I thought instead of jumping ahead in the design process, I would show what a ‘next step’ actually looks like when working with clients. Often quick minor adjustments can guide us in choosing the correct design direction. Take a look!


Whispering Pines – Part 6

Moving along! Cabinets are going in and exterior is shaping up. Take a look!