Posts Tagged ‘art’


Tape Recorders – literally

Not what you think! This cool exhibit uses tape measures to document time -time visitors stand in front of portions of the exhibit. Maybe if they used the ‘Big Max’ tape measure they wouldn’t crash so quickly. Check this out!

“Tape Recorders” – MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer from bitforms gallery on Vimeo.

Source: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


The Angles Mirror – What?

If I only had this in my dorm room… Built from plastic spokes, motors, a video camera and some custom software, this moving sculpture is mesmerizing to watch and does some real amazing things. Wait until you get to the to the 1:30 mark. Awesome.

“Angles Mirror” (2013) by Daniel Rozin from bitforms gallery on Vimeo.

Artist: Daniel Rozin


Paper Marbling

This is amazing and mesmerizing to watch. Artist Seyit Uygur creates beautiful papers using this interesting and intricate technique. The patterns and colors are gorgeous. Check it out!

Seyit UYGUR { Ebru Artist } from Oguz Uygur on Vimeo.

Film by Oguz Uygur


Turntable Art

When I was a young boy, I had rigged up an old turntable with an arm hanging from the ceiling that would randomly move and scratch my back. (Did I just admit that?) Artist Robert Howsare created this ‘lazy man’s Spirograph’ using a similar idea. It is mesmerizing to watch and spins out a nice piece to hang on your wall.


The Art of Drawing

I’ll admit it. The one thing I could never do very well is draw people. Buildings, landscapes, no problem -but people… not so much. I don’t know if the human form is too complex or intimidating for me to capture so I am always amazed when someone can make it look easy. Take a look at this video of Dave de Leeuw making me envious.


Small Metal Gizmo’s

Artist Gary Schott utilizes his skills as a Metalsmith to create playful and beautiful mechanized objects. It is fun to see the simple made complex or the complex simplified in an artful way. Take a look for a quick smile!