Most people have heard the term ‘Rain Gardens’ but don’t really understand what they are and what they do… Today we speak with a leading expert in water resource management, Civil Engineer Kurt Leuthold from Barr Engineering. Kurt and I have worked together on several projects in the past few years including the new offices for the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District and the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (beginning construction this spring) among others. A few questions discussed include:
-What is a ‘Rain Garden’?
-Describe the Rain Garden system -both large scale and small scale.
-How do you determine the size, configuration, plantings, etc.?
-How would a person get started in making a rain garden?
-With all the available water in our area, why is a rain garden important?
-We also touch on pervious pavers, rain barrels and other options for water management.
Feel free to contact Kurt Leuthold PE via email at
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Please click on the links above and you can also find information at the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District site. Looking to build one? Hedberg Landscape and Masonry Supplies has the materials.